The New Rules of PR in 2024


Hello and welcome to Season 6 and Episode 102 of the Public Sector Marketing Show.

The rules of PR and marketing are changing so fast, faster than we can say transformation. 

But in today’s show I want to look more specifically at our work in public relations – how we engage target audiences and get them to know, like and trust us. 

It’s becoming more difficult for sure, with AI, Deep Fake and the misinformation revolution online trying to divide and conquer. 

So, I’m going to try to unpack how we can revive our PR skills of old in the new digital age. 

I interview Nicholas Bruneau who recently launched his debut title, Engage with Impact

Let’s dive in! 

Column – What are the new rules, Joanne?

In preparation for this podcast episode, I took some time to think about this question. It brought me back to my own book, Public Sector Marketing Pro and one chapter in particular – Chapter 8: How to Build Public Trust Online

This chapter shares a series of case studies from government and public sector with anecdotes and insights from their communications managers. 

I start off by signalling that we must put our focus on building ‘meaningful engagement’ as opposed to a ‘post and go’ habit of communication online.

So here are five new rules from that chapter that I think all PR pros need to lean into in 2024.

1️⃣ Agility over predictability

2️⃣ Eliminate the monopolistic mindset

3️⃣ A more conversational world

4️⃣ Embracing the future of work

5️⃣ Testing tech because resistance is futile

Consulting – How do we move forward when we are stuck looking back?

In my daily work, I speak with, train and coach public sector communications professionals. 

Very often their frustrations are around an inability to move their PR, marketing, and communications forward.

Here’s the top grievances I note that is keeping public sector comms stuck looking back and unable to move forward.

💠 Under-funded, under-resourced, under-valued

💠 Too many chiefs, not enough cooks 

💠 Fear of public attack, online trolling 

💠 Lack of knowledge and skills in-house in certain disciplines

💠 Fear of change, comfort in the ‘always do what we always did’

💠Decision-making relay

Interview |  Nicholas Bruneau

Nicholas Bruneau is a communication strategist with decades of experience. His expertise lies at the intersection of digital communications and purpose-led marketing.

Nicholas has worked for intergovernmental agencies from the UN, World Bank, and EU, as well as non-profits, associations, media and political groups. He has led numerous digital advocacy campaigns on international development, education, sustainability, and climate change issues.

Nicholas works from his home office in Cascais, Portugal, which uses 100% green electricity and reduces emissions thanks to domestic solar panels and Ecologi climate impact membership.

For more info visit:

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